The VIII Prize for the study of the Spanish Chivalric Orders announced

The VIII Prize for the study of the Spanish Chivalric Orders announced

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The «Lux Hispaniarum» foundation of the Royal Council of the Chivalric Orders of Santiago, Calatrava, Alcántara and Montesa, in order to encourage the study of them among young people, is pleased to convene theVIII Prize for the study of Spanish Chivalric Orders "Manuel Corchado Soriano", in memory of a life dedicated to the investigation of these institutions.

Bases of the VIII Prize for the study of Spanish Chivalric Orders

1.- The award is endowed with 1200 euros. Half if it is shared by two people. In case of being deserted, if any of the originals deserves recognition from the jury, the jury could award them with a second category and 600 euros.
2.-They may participate all scholars of the subject age not older than 40 years.
3.-You can only appear one original per person.
4.- Work, original and unpublished and in Spanish language It will deal with any aspect of the aforementioned orders of Santiago, Calatrava, Alcántara and Montesa, both of one of them and as a whole, without chronological limitation.
5.- The contribution of documentary sources and the maturity in their interpretation.
6.- The extension of the works will not exceed 100,000 characters nor will it be less than 70,000, presented double-spaced and in Times New Roman font size, 12 (in the footnotes the size will be 10). A maximum of ten images and the same number of tables, maps and / or graphics may be provided.
7.-The originals will be sent with in advance of October 30, 2020 to the “Lux Hispaniarum” Foundation, Plaza de las Comendadoras, 10, 28015 Madrid.
8.- The shipment will be made by postal mail, on paper and with an embedded CD. In the papers presented, no element that enables the identification of the author should appear, but in a sealed envelope and inside the envelope in which the study is sent, his name, postal and electronic address and telephone number, as well as a photocopy of the DNI on both sides, will appear. .
9.-The jury will be composed of the Secretary of the “Lux Hispaniarum” Foundation, who will act as president, along with four Specialists in Orders of Chivalry. External specialists can be consulted on the subject, preserving in any case the anonymity of the author.
10.-The jury's decision will be final.
11.-The Non-awarded originals will be destroyed, without opening the envelope with the author's data.
12.- The awarded work or works may be published in the Journal of Military Orders.

For more information about this award or about the activities of the Spanish Chivalric Orders, access their website.

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